Stores information on voting and status of a transaction
Proposals handle consensus for a given transaction, mapped one-to-one. Without a proposal account for a transaction, it can not be voted on and subsequently executed.
Getting a Proposal account
import * as multisig from "@sqds/multisig";
const { Proposal } = multisig.accounts;
async function main() {
// Public Key of the Multisig PDA
const multisigPda = new PublicKey("MyAmazingMultisig");
// Fetch the deserialized Multisig account
const multisigInfo = await multisig.accounts.Multisig.fromAccountAddress(
// Get the current transaction index
const currentTransactionIndex = Number(multisigInfo.transactionIndex);
const transactionIndex = BigInt(currentTransactionIndex + 1);
// or, if this is your first transaction
// const transactionIndex = 1n;
// Bump is generally not needed
const [proposalPda, proposalBump] = multisig.getProposalPda({
const proposalAccount = await Proposal.fromAccountAddress(
// Log the proposal status
console.log("Proposal Status", proposalAccount.status);
Required for voting on and executing transactions
They store status of consensus, and tallies for who's approved and rejected.
See the reference for more information on account structure and seeds.