This instruction adds a spending limit at the discretion of the Config Authority.
import * as multisig from "@sqds/multisig";
// Cluster Connection
const connection = new Connection( < your rpc url > );
// Fee payer is the a signer that pays the transaction fees
const feePayer = Keypair.generate();
// Derive the multisig PDA
const multisigPda = multisig.getMultisigPda({
// The createKey has to be a Public Key, see accounts reference for more info
const spendingLimitCreateKey = Keypair.generate().publicKey;
const spendingLimitPda = multisig.getSpendingLimitPda({
createKey: spendingLimitCreateKey,
// The multisig account Public Key
// The spending limit account Public Key
spendingLimit: spendingLimitPda,
createKey: spendingLimitCreateKey,
// Rent payer for state
rentPayer: feePayer,
// Spending limit amount
amount: BigInt(1000000000),
configAuthority: null,
// Spending limit will apply daily, see reference for more info
period: multisig.generated.Period.Day,
// The mint of the token to apply the spending limit on
mint: Keypair.generate().publicKey,
destinations: [Keypair.generate().publicKey],
// null means it will apply to all members, make it an array of Public Keys to specify certain members
members: null,
vaultIndex: 1,