Add Member

Add a Member via Config Authority

This instruction adds a member at the discretion of the Config Authority.


import * as multisig from "@sqds/multisig";

// Cluster Connection
const connection = new Connection("<your rpc url>");

// Fee payer is the a signer that pays the transaction fees
const feePayer = Keypair.generate();

// Derive the multisig PDA
const multisigPda = multisig.getMultisigPda({
    // The createKey has to be a Public Key, see accounts reference for more info

// Public Key of the new member
const member = new PublicKey("");

await multisig.rpc.multisigAddMember({
    // The public key of the multisig account
    // Specify the config authority Public Key if there is one, else set to null
    configAuthority: null,
    // Account paying for the rent of the additional account space needed by adding a member
    rentPayer: feePayer,
    newMember: {
        // Public Key of the new member to be added
        key: members.almighty.publicKey,
        // Permissions that the new member will have, check the reference for more info
        permissions: Permissions.all(),


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