Squads on Mobile

Learn how to use Squads on your mobile device

The Squads app can be used on mobile devices via in-app browsers of mobile wallets like:

  • Phantom;

  • Backpack;

  • Solfare, and more.

Connecting to Squads on mobile:

  1. Open the browser tab on your mobile wallet. Go to app.squads.so and click the "Connect" button.

  2. Connect your wallet and you will be redirected to your default Squad's dashboard.

Squads on mobile

If you have a Squad on Squads Protocol v3, go to v3.squads.so on your wallet browser to access your Squads.

The Squads app on the Solana Saga mobile device is built on top of Squads Protocol v3 and is actively maintained. Please migrate to app.squads.so for the optimal mobile experience.

Last updated