Owners and Settings
How to adjust the settings of your Squad.
Add/remove owners
Owners are added to a Squad via their public key.
The "Owners" tab allows Squad owners to:
view owners of the Squad
initiate a transaction to add/remove an owner (by clicking on "Add owner" button or "Bin" icon)
Add nicknames to the wallet addresses ( saved on local storage, therefore, only visible to the person who adds a nickname)
copy the address of the owner
The "Info" tab displays the basic information about the Squad and allows to:
check the confirmation threshold and initiate a transaction to change it
copy the addresses of the Squad's vault and account
check the number of owners inside the Squad
change the Squad profile picture, name, or description
change the explorer used for the transactions inspection
Threshold Parameter
The confirmation threshold is every Squad's essential parameter, which helps ensure that funds management is secured by multiple signatures required for every transaction.
The confirmation threshold represents how many multisig owners' confirmations will be required for a transaction to become executable. It can be adjusted at any point in time by initiating a transaction from the "Info" tab.
Last updated