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The details of our integration with SolBlaze.


Users can deposit their SOL holdings into Solblaze stake pool, which lets them earn staking rewards and receive bSOL token, which can be used to gain additional yield.

What is bSOL?

Users can stake their SOL holdings without locking them up with SolBlaze liquid staking. By staking with SolBlaze users receive bSOL which is issued 1:1 to their initial stake. bSOL then can be used to earn additional rewards through DeFI protocols, which can be accessed directly from the Squad via the "Apps" section.

How to stake with SolBlaze Stake Pool?

To stake SOL:

  1. Navigate to the "Staking" tab and select "Liquid" section.

Liquid staking section

2. Click on the "SolBlaze stake pool" block.

3. Select the amount of SOL you wish to delegate to the pool and click "Deposit" button.

SolBlaze liquid staking pop-up

Please note that staking happens in epochs. Each epoch lasts approximately 3 days. If you stake during an ongoing epoch, you will start earning staking rewards after the start of the next epoch.

4. Your SOL will start the activating period upon the transaction execution (more on the transactions here) and will appear in the vault as the bSOL. Once the new epoch starts, you will start earning rewards.

How to unstake from SolBlaze Stake Pool?

To unstake SOL:

  1. Navigate to the "Staking" tab.

  2. Click on the "SolBlaze stake pool" block in the "Liquid" section.

  3. Click on the "Unstake" switcher and select the amount you wish to unstake. You can also use Jupiter swaps to swap bSOL to SOL or any other token.

SolBlaze liquid staking pop-up

Please note that when unstaking you will receive a stake account in your custody, viewable in your Squad under the "Staked" switcher in the "Validator" section. Once in your Squad, you will need to manually deactivate the stake account.

4. Launch the transaction to unstake, after the transaction is approved and executed you will see a new staked account appearing under the "Staked" switcher in the "Validator" section. You have now finished the withdrawal from the stake pool and need to unstake your SOL from the validator.

5. Click on the "Staked" switcher in the "Validator" section and select the validator you wish to unstake from. Launch a transaction to unstake your SOL. Your SOL will be unstaked upon the transaction execution.

Please note that due to the epoch's nature your unstaked SOL will be available for withdrawal after the deactivation.

6. Your SOL will start the deactivation period after it is unstaked. The deactivation period finishes with the start of the new epoch.

7. Once the deactivation period finishes, you will be able to withdraw your SOL. Click on the "Staked" switcher inside the "Validator" section, click on the validator from which you are withdrawing the stake, and launch a transaction to complete the withdrawal.

8. Once you execute the withdrawal transaction, your SOL will be displayed inside your vault.

Last updated